What exactly is the Maxxia Wallet?

The Maxxia Wallet is a smartcard loaded with your before-tax money, which you spend on a wide range of expenses.
No claiming, no invoices — you just tap and go like you would with your bankcard. It’s about as simple as salary packaging gets, which is why it’s also one of the most popular ways to package.
Each pay you contribute an amount of your pay to your salary package account administered by Maxxia before-tax — let’s say $350.
Maxxia receives that $350 and transfers it to your Maxxia Wallet card, which is in your pocket.
You then use the Maxxia Wallet like you would any other debit card: You tap and go, or use your personalised PIN, and buy stuff online – but it’s all using your before-tax money.
Like a debit card, once your balance is used up, the card will decline and you will need to wait until we put another $350 on from your next pay.
If you don’t spend the balance during the fortnight, the funds on the card simply accumulate each pay, so you can save up for a larger purchase if you wish. The only time limit you have comes at the end of the FBT year, when you must spend any remaining balance by 31 March (we remind customers of this in March).
Two sides of the same coin
The Maxxia Wallet allows you to proactively spend funds for two benefits;
- Living Expenses – Electricity, phone and water bills, council rates, groceries, clothing, private travel (domestic and overseas), any household expenses and more!
- Meal Entertainment – Dine in at restaurants.
You don’t have to have both, but if you do, whenever you use the Maxxia Wallet card, it will identify which benefit balance to use, clever right?
The idea behind the Maxxia Wallet is simply to put your salary packaging money in your hands. No claiming, no mucking around with invoices-we transfer funds to the card and away you go.
Sounds good? You may like to give the Maxxia Wallet a try. For those who are eligible, it can be a great alternative to our other benefits, or even you just want a change to how you salary package.
For more information get in touch online, or give us a call on 1300 123 123.
This website contains general information and doesn't take your personal circumstances into account. Seek professional independent advice before making a decision.